Томас Кан aka sonreiiiir


❌FAKE SOLDIER and others

Томас Кан aka sonreiiiir


ID link: https://x.com/intent/user?user_id=1745657003005911040

ID: 1745657003005911040

Cyber1000 沙威刃 aka bloomfilterss

ID link: https://x.com/intent/user?user_id=1744550971714236418

@AskPayPal, augmutie23@gmail.com

smuema602@gmail.com ; re.gok@yahoo.com

⚠️ IMPERSONATING ✅A REAL SOLDIER https://twitter.com/faust1694

⚠️ those 2 individuals are trying their luck...

⚠️ insert their PayPal address under the legit fundraising post!

Very nasty mfs! 

Like, Share, and give us a Follow! Let's warn everybody and their mum about the scammers stealing donations from Ukraine!

❣️They are many, but so are we!❣️
