

#vu #scamalert




ID link: https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=1660667341284298755

ID: 1660667341284298755

@AskPayPal: lexa06.12.22@gmail.com & vm353582@gmail.com

They are retweeting vm353582's fake fundraiser now? I'm sure their last fundraiser where they used this old PayPal account was brutally legit… yeah.. right…

⚠️Promoting a fake fundraiser to seemingly collect donations for ✅REAL SOLDIER Serhiy

⚠️The only one that's actually collecting money for Serhiy is his✅ SISTER!



 has the case solved! we are just helping distribute!!!!!!

➡️Disclaimer: If you donate privately make sure you check who you are supporting! Do they provide updates? Are they willing to provide receipts? If you are unsure about the legitimacy, don't donate. Write to us.  

➡️Volodia used to be smertokupantu and we call her Viktoria here. THEY don't seem too decided on the whole gender thing, so we are just calling them THEY from now on.



Deceptive ID to grift donations, being a very … not… nice person!

Like, Share, and give us a Follow! Let's warn everybody and their mum about the scammers stealing donations from Ukraine!

❣️They are many, but so are we!❣️
